4 ways to connect with your constituents this fall
It’s not a big election season, but it’s still a good time to connect with constituents before we wrap up the year. Here are four easy ways to connect with your constituents through intertrac.
It’s not a big election season, but it’s still a good time to connect with constituents before we wrap up the year. Here are four easy ways to connect with your constituents through intertrac.
If you’re the tour coordinator for your office, the two-year hiatus for federal site tours may have left you a little rusty on how to manage tour requests. Here are four ideas about how you can use intertrac to manage those tour requests and make your constituents’ visits to Washington memorable.
As we head into December, many organizations start preparing for their end of year reports. These annual reports can affect your planning and resources for the next year, so you want to wrap them up on time. And you want to get them right.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, intertrac customers are sending newsletters more frequently and to larger audiences than usual. Our server has seen over six million… Read More »3 Ways to Give a Newsletter More Impact
Remote work (i.e., working outside of a traditional office environment) is becoming more and more mainstream. With the COVID-19 pandemic, planning to work remotely “just… Read More »Working Remotely with intertrac
Want to improve your newsletter and email marketing reach? Here’s a few fun tips for reaching your readers and improving open rates. /wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Email_Marketing_Tips.mp4